Within American culture there has been a shift from what was originally the plan of America, and there have been many shifts since the original purpose of creating America. The Pilgrims came here to seek religious freedoms and the ability to worship God the way that they saw fit instead of bowing to the Church of England.
When they came, they did not come to take over the Natives world, they were happy to share the land, and resources. They were not here to cause violence against other races, they came peacefully and were willing to live alongside those who had come before them.
Jamestown VA was a different story, and that is where the story "legend" of Pocahontas came from. That was not about peace or living alongside anyone. Again many of those who came did not come with the intention of living alongside those who were here first. Those who came over to South America were not peaceful either. Pizarro is probably one of the best examples of a violent take over. captured the king demanded a huge ransom of gold and then killed the chief "king" anyway. (I believe this took place in Peru). many others marched through central America with no intent to share anything, but rather to "spread" catholic thought and claim lands for the countries that sent them.
Needless to say there have been terrible tragedies that have taken place in American history. The Trail of Tears was a terrible and cruel fate for many natives and there is no excuse that can rectify what was done. The reasons behind the enslavement of Africans and other black peoples are all twisted and completely inexcusable. The mutilation and destruction of black communities over the many decades since slavery has been "over". Also, is completely inexcusable and looking back at the terrible mistakes, and sins that America has been guilty of, it is easy to see why, in today's America why there is no much tension between races and between different communities.
Sadly, today there is almost more division than any other time in American history, and the question must be asked, why is that. I would suggest that it is because of how young Americans have been raised. We have reached a generation that has not lived without the internet. We have a generation who doesn't have to actually search out answers to tough questions... They simply google the answer and do not take the time to ponder what the answer really means. Facts have become a matter of pragmatics, and not something that is a foundation for everything. While I believe that becoming more of a generation that sleep walks through life, I also believe that older generations lived in situation and times that required them to be awake and actively engaging their minds in a more constructive way.
The divisions that we see in our society come from a lack of thinking on our own. We rely heavily on news pages, stations, and shows to tell us what's happening and simply take whatever side of the table we normally sit on as fact instead of looking at what is said from multiple sides and then analyzing the actual data ourselves. We listen and then assume that the source we're looking at isn't biased and has no other agenda than to give us the straight facts. But what if the sources we assume are unbiased, actually have a agenda to cause division between races, and communities? Why would anyone have that agenda you may ask. Well, I can think of a few reasons, but the main reason I want to focus on here, is that if we became united under one name "Americans" the people would become more powerful than the few who govern them, and would be able to actually have a say in what goes on at the top tiers of the country. If we could still rationally debate something, and come to an understanding as a general population, then the elite few who control much of the country would not be able to control as much in such a dominating fashion.
At this point the question must be asked though... What would being united look like anyway? I believe being united does not mean that we give up what makes us unique, or special, but rather we learn how to incorporate the uniqueness into giving the American people a new flavor or add-on. For example, hispanic people need not give up their culture of family, food, and friendliness in order to become more American, but rather, American people now have some more really cool aspects to them! We learn from the hispanic population about how to love our families more and make more interesting foods, and become kinder, and more friendly towards each, through what hispanic culture brings. Same with all other cultures. Each culture that becomes back of America does not need to boil it down in the melting pot until they match "American culture" but rather add a new flavor to the melting pot, that creates something new the America. Every culture represented in America should feel that they belong here, and have a place within the overarching culture of America... But they should still be proud (first of foremost) to be American! You can be black and proud you're American. You can be white, and proud you're American. You can be Hispanic and proud of being American. You can be Asian and proud to be American. America needs to learn to embrace each culture, and encourage pride in national culture by accepting into it, all the influences from other cultures.
Bottom line that I'm trying to get to is this. I'm proud to be an American. I was born in Colombia, and claim Colombia as my genetic ancestor. I was raised by loving caucasian parents who adopted me. I claim them as my parents proudly. I serve in the American Army and proudly represent to the world That I am an American. But at the same time, I have learned so much from my black brothers, and sisters. I have learned so much from my hispanic brothers and sisters. But all the people have meet, before I see their ethnic background or race. I see them as my brothers and sisters who are American, and who I proudly defend as a soldier of the United (UNITED) States Army. Because I am committed to and willing to learn from them about the flavor and spice they add to our culture from their perspectives and experiences. Unity is when we come together under the red, white and blue flag and work our hardest to raised up everyone equally as brothers and sisters, and stop hating on our difference but rather loving each other for our unique parts to play in our country.
This is a blog post, and an open discussion, please feel free to add your two cents, four cents whatever you want sense to this, I want to hear from ya'll.
Also its almost 1am so I've just been thinking about this a lot and wanted to share what's on my mind. :)
Yours truly,