Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Downfall of the Church: Self-destruction

I'm sure that I am not alone when I say that I am tired of people picking on Christians and destroying the church through politics, and society's agendas. However, while these things do appear to be major issues, and worrisome to those of us within the church, I believe there is something more devastating within the church, than outside. 

There is an age old debate within the church and I'm fairly certain that if you go to any somewhat sound church you could get someone to talk about it. The debate/argument is on whether Calvinism or Arminianism is correct. My first question is... does it matter who's right? Obviously to some extent it does matter, but seriously... does it really matter in the long run? Do Calvinist even know ALL of John Calvin's doctrinal stance? Do Arminians believe in all of Jacob Arminius' beliefs? probably not, but that's not important. I do hold to a specific stance, and I do believe in certain doctrines, but I don't believe that John Calvin or Arminius would have wanted to see what has come to pass today. 

I have noticed that many Calvinist take it as their right, to prove that they are right, and Arminians are even remotely close. Some go as far to say that if you don't believe in Calvin then you aren't even saved. Besides, shunning people with differing beliefs each side finds enough time to make fun of those you believe differently within the church. No wonder people don't want to join the church if all they see is people bickering and making fun of each other for their beliefs. 

Many people outside of the church don't even know who John Calvin was, or what Arminius taught. Does Predestination, or free will really take priority over the Gospel? Many can argue that these points are essential in presenting the Gospel. But I don't really think so. Did the thief that died on the cross next to Christ have to be taught all the doctrines of predestination before he could be saved? Nope. 

The biggest thing hurting the church today, is the people inside it who are too busy arguing amongst themselves about these issues, and not going out into the world proclaiming the good news of Christ. 

I know that I have been found guilty of arguing about these doctrines, and for those who are not within the church, I apologize for my stupidity. Christ is more important than Calvin, Jesus' death on the cross is more important than Irresistible Grace. We have failed at our mission to reach the lost if we only stay inside our churches arguing. We have failed Christ if we can't see passed ourselves. If we don't share the Good news of Christ, the only thing that people will see is the bad news, that we've created within our walls. 

   Just my two cents...