Sunday, December 21, 2014

Compassion isn't Easy, Hatred isn't Hard

So we're coming to the end of 2014, and there are some things that stand out. First of all, I'm getting married this year and I 'm excited!
Second, Michael Brown was shot and killed, Eric Garner was choked to death, and Two Police officers were gunned down in cold blood as "justice". There have been much heated debates and raging arguments over these events. There has been even more senseless stupidity and hatred than normal, but that's not why I'm writing this. I'm writing this because, even though I didn't know any of them personally, I hurt. I'm broken, and I hurt for them all.

Michael Brown made some bad choices in life, but I'm sure that there were times when he did make the right decisions, I'm sure there were moments when he was kind, and nice to people. Eric Garner, didn't need to die, and there was no reason for that whole situation to begin with. The two cops who got killed for revenge of Brown and Garner, definitely were a huge loss to their communities. I'm not saying that Brown and Garner weren't huge losses either, but their situation was a little bit different. They died after some struggle. However, I'm not here to argue about who was innocent and who wasn't that's not my intention, and I don't have a degree in law so I'll let that be. My reason for writing, is this. All of us who have been watching the news, and posting about it on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram have opinions and everyone has a right to their opinions. However, I don't care whether you are black, white, purple, or green. You are a human, and you have  a choice of whether you decide to hate or show compassion.

If you choose to hate the officers who killed Brown or Garner. You'll waste your energy in hate when you could've been forgiving. If you choose to hate Brown and Garner and champion the cry, "They got what they deserved!"  You also, are wasting your energies. See, hating people never got us anywhere. Hate never fixed anything. Hate is evil and hating each other is a sin. Regardless of the religion you adhere to, or if you are an atheist. You most likely believe that Hate is a negative emotion or energy. Why would you ever choose to surround yourself with negative energy? Is it really worth it?
Don't get me wrong. I understand that hatred looks like the easy way out, and like it will reap the most rewards, but it's a lie. It's not true, you'll go to the grave hating and poisoning yourself. That would be a shame wouldn't it?

The opposite response from hating everyone involved would be compassion. Now, let me caution you, compassion isn't easy, and it's very hard to forgive. But I can tell you it is far more rewarding. I look around at the world today, and hate as engulfed it. Satan has done quite well in blinding and confusing the world into believing that sin and hatred will make a better world. My plea is that you would decide to forgive and move on.

Don't get me wrong, I've had my share of wrong attitudes and wrong responses to everything from Ferguson to NYC and every time I want to curse those involved, I fight it, and I try to stop hating and forgive. I have no reason to lie, I've cried over these lost lives and the lives ruined through these events. I don't know them but I hurt for them, and hurting can turn towards bitterness if you don't admit that you are hurting, but please, please don't go on that road. Admit that you are hurting, and need healing, and work towards compassion and forgiving.

It's almost Christmas, give yourself a gift, and let yourself heal from this year. I know, that I personally couldn't possibly heal from all the hardships and pain I've had in life without the help of my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. He has given me the faith and grace to help me through the hard times, and I know he is willing and there to help you. No matter what "race" or ethnicity you are. He will and wants to bring comfort to you.

Remember Compassion isn't easy, but it bring healing. Hatred isn't hard, but all it does is poison your soul. refocus on Christ this Christmas and find hope. There's no need to carry around the burdens of sadness on your own.