Monday, December 26, 2016

The Power of Taking Responsibility

I have been reading a book by Brian Tracy, called "No Excuses" I have posted a link here so that if
you so desire to read this amazing book yourself, you can. I'm still in the early stages of this book, but I am finding some good lessons and nuggets of truth that I have found to be challenging to myself and helpful in shaping my perspective as I go forward in my journey of becoming a strong leader.

In chapter three, Tracy talks about self-discipline and responsibility. Now don't get me wrong, I know what responsibility and I know what self-discipline is, however, we so often take these words or attributes for granted and don't fully think through the ramifications of what these things are. That is why I am reading more books from people who have spent significant time thinking through these things and thinking through the outcomes of practicing such disciplines.

The kicker for me was on page 57 where Tracy talks about the antidote for negativity. I believe that our world is plagued with negativity. The news always focuses on the negative, social media always focuses on the negative, and the majority of people, only comment or think about the negative that is in their lives and don't give enough thought to the positives that are surrounding them. This also has to do with the mindset that we have in our lives.

Are we weak-minded people who play the victim in every situation or are we leaders who take responsibility and control our actions and the situations around us?

Tracy suggests that the way that we can overcome negativity is simply by taking responsibility for the situations surrounding us.

"There is a direct relationship between the acceptance of responsibility and the amount of personal control you feel you have over your life. This means that the more you accept responsibility, the greater sense of control you experience."

 He goes on to say that weak minded people simply blame other people around them for their own mistakes, their own misfortunes, and their own problems. They blame everything from tools to other people to inanimate objects. Tracy likens it to insanity... which I find to be an interesting comparison.

He goes on to say that "It is not possible to accept responsibility and remain angry at the same time. It is not possible to accept responsibility and experience negative emotions. It is not possible to accept responsibility without becoming calm, clear, positive, and focused once more."

This paragraph threw me for a loop. I have never really considered that taking responsibility of your actions and situations could actually have positive emotional ramifications. I can't recall a time that I took responsibility that I also experienced any negative emotions. That is definitely a gold nugget that I have taken from this book so far and I look forward to continuing my read and learning more and sharing my findings with all of you.

However, I would highly suggest that you read this book for yourselves!

Again, I have posted a link below
to Brian Tracy's website where you can buy this awesome book for yourselves.

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