We live in a world today where we have sadly abandoned sound thought and reason. As a country influenced by western philosophy we have given up on sound, logical reasoning. We seem to have traded it in for a much more ridiculous ideology that centers on our emotional comfort and needs. Throughout the history of philosophy, we have generally held to the belief in three different forms of truth and many people hold to the idea that there is only one form of truth out of the three that is actually accurate.
Our society has suffered from a departure from sound reason partially because many don't take the time to verify what they read on the internet or social media, and simply take it as truth. No wonder we have so many people in this world who struggle to think in a productive manner. Faulty thinking is an epidemic and needs to be dealt with. I will try to do my part and explain what I believe and how I got to my conclusions.
For obvious reasons this blog post will not cover everything in relationship to these three major theories of truth. This is meant as an introductory post to the ideas of truth and cause people to think a little deeper.
Pragmatic Theory of Truth
This theory of truth holds that something is true only if it is useful. If it works and is practical for your lifestyle then it is true. From the outset this seems like a good view and makes sense. However, after testing this theory it seems to fall apart because it is inevitable to come to a circumstance where you have to disregard a truth you had held and "believe" something that you formerly did not believe to be true because it is useful.
Correspondence Theory of Truth
This theory holds that truth is only true if it is consistent with reality. Truth is consistent to reality and nothing else. It is outside of our humanity and outside of our realm to decide what truth is, and what isn't true. often times, people who hold to this theory of truth believe in a God or gods who has defined what truth is, and how it impacts our world. Truth is beyond ourselves and outside of our worldview. It extends far beyond the scope of humanity.
Coherence Theory of Truth
This theory claims that something is true if it is consistent with other statements that are true. Truth is true as long as it is consistent with other truths in this world. This implies that everything that is true is consistent and cohesive. That sounds really good but in the end it falls apart because you have to start asking questions and the answers do not hold up under scrutiny. At some point the question will arise, what is the original truth, and trumps all other truths? Something will have to be the original truth that does not need to be verified by any other source of truth.
Let's talk about it more. ;) Where do you land, and what do you believe, and more importantly... why?
until next time,
Merry Christmas!!
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