As we enter into the Christmas season, it is inevitable that people starting thinking about 2017. Some people, are super excited and pumped about what they have planned for 2017, how they plan to grow as people, and how they plan to grow in their business. Others are going into this season worried, scared, and unsure if 2017 will make it or break it for them. I want to encourage you; you can make it through this coming year. You can not only survive it, but you can thrive in it! Don't give up before it's started, and don't be afraid of the unknown.
I know from past experiences that not every year is a great year, but I also know that I'm super young, and God-willing will have many more years and will make wonderful memories. My wife, Lydia, and I are very excited about our year in 2017, and we want you guys... everyone around us that we come in contact with, whether it is in person, or over social media... We want to see you succeed and we want you to thrive! Here are ten ways to help you thrive in 2017.
10. Understand You are the Variable of Your Success
If you want to succeed in life, you must grasp this simple truth. Life is an equation and you are the variable that determines what you will achieve. I know that some people might say, God is a bigger variable in your life than you, and yes, of course God is key to you staying alive, he will not FORCE you to follow Him, or MAKE you serve Him. That's you making a conscious decision to get on your knees and seek Him and His desires for you. As far as life is concerned, God will not work your job for you or send your bills to the electric company for you... That's on you. PS. It's also not on the government.
9. Understand That You are Gifted Specially for Your Life
Now, many of us have struggled at some point in our lives with our self-image and what we are capable. If 2016 has been a year of sadness, regret, and maybe even self-hate, let me come alongside you, let your true friends come alongside you, and let's turn that around! I know what self-hate is... it's self-focus. I can tell you if you focus on yourself, you will be miserable. But if you focus on those around you and work to serve and help them.... your heart will never be empty because that is part of the purpose for you being here.
Now, understand this, you are special, and maybe you don't like HOW you are special, but you are. God created you with a purpose, and he created you for greatness. Also, he never makes mistakes, he knows exactly why you are where you are and he can heal any brokenness that you have. You have gifts that no one else has and you are powerful! Don't underestimate that!
8. Understand Who is responsible for Your Success... YOU
Now, in light of the last point, understand that it is up to you... YOU are responsible for your outcome. So many times we blame other people, things, places, animals, corporations, jobs, the government... you name it, we've blamed it. Well... Stop it. End of discussion, you are responsible for you. Remember that deer you hit on your way to work? If you weren't shaving in the car, you probably would've seen it... Also speeding doesn't help. For real though, do you get my point? You are responsible for you and any success that you achieve is directly a reflection of whether you have an opportunity mindset or a victim mentality. Is your boss unfair... or are you glad you have a job? Are you set on being broke for the rest of your life.... or are you looking for opportunities to make an extra income? Mindset is key to your success and if you want to succeed you must have a go-get-it mindset.
7. Understand That Discipline is Key to Your Success
Discipline is often misunderstood as disciplining a child-- punishment. That is not what true discipline is, especially for adults. Discipline means pushing yourself to create good, healthy habits, whether it is how you respond to situations at work, or whether you're hitting that snooze button 209,383,711,094 times before you get up. If you want to succeed, and excel in life, you must learn to discipline yourself... Though it might not be fun to get up at 5am and go to the gym, push yourself to do it, because I promise you... The sunrise is so beautiful to see. Real discipline will bring so many blessings into your life. If you really want to be the best, you will push yourself, even when it's not pleasant or easy. I am talking to myself here too. I need to become more disciplined as well.
6. Understand the Value of Those Who Have Gone Before You
Whatever field of study you are in, whether it is medical or sales, there are those who have gone before and have been very successful in them. In the medical realm there are giants like Stanley Dudrick or in CrossFit, Rich Froning, Jr. They have excelled in their own right, and there is much to be learned from them. In Theology, Jonathan Edwards, Matt Chandler, G.A. Chesterton. Philosophy, Voltaire, Aquinas. I could go on and on, but my point here, is you can learn from those with more experience than you, even if you don't believe or agree with absolutely everything they believe. Learn to think critically for yourself, but value those who know more and are wiser than you.
5. If You Don't have Time, Make Time
We all lead busy lives for the most part, and millionaires are no exception, especially before they were millionaires. The Majority of self-made millionaires became that way because they pushed themselves harder than everyone else, and they pushed themselves to be the best. They also mapped out their days, they scheduled every hour, sometimes down to the minute, to be the most productive that they can be. We all have the same amount of time to dedicate to whatever we choose. You can make time by organizing yourself and your day in such a way that optimizes your strengths and minimizes your weaknesses.
4. Throw Away Your Excuses... They Only Hinder Your Success
"But, I just don't have time!", "But my job won't pay me enough!" "But I'm not any good at sales!" "But I have a... thing... I have to go to." Stop it, get some help. The help you need is a trash bag for all your excuses. If you want to succeed you will leave your excuses in the trash and take responsibility for everything that is under your control, and you will let God take care of what is out of your control... Also, don't use God as an excuse to be lazy or inactive. I promise you, God did not call you to Netflix and Potato Chips. I have spent many years making excuses of why I can't do something or why I'm not good at anything... It has become time for me to stop making excuses for my lack of productivity and it's also time for you to do the same. We will never reach our full potential if we stand behind a glass wall of excuses.
3. Never Stop Learning!
To be successful you must never stop growing and developing your mind, you must never stop developing your body, and your spirit. Successful people read! They listen to learners and other successful people. They invest in their minds because they realize how important it is to continue to learn, and how easy it is to become stagnant.
If you need some ideas on where to start, listen to Caroline Leaf, Michael Hyatt, Jim Rohn, John Maxwell, there are many others out there, but that's just a start. As your mind grows so does your potential and your influence.
2. Invest in Yourself and Prioritize Your Personal Development
Similar to the last point, invest in yourself and prioritize it. Many times, I have used the excuse that I should die to myself daily, as a means of not trying to improve my person. As I said earlier, I'm done with excuses, so while dying daily does mean putting others before yourself, that does not mean, letting yourself go to waste either! If you wish to be successful you will put a price on your time, and you will spend time on things that matter, and on people who help make you a better person! Get a mentor! Get around people who help make you a better person so that then you can in turn be a person that adds value to the people around you!
You are special, and you are priceless! Your life will never be lived by anyone else and it is important that you don't waste your life doing trivial things! Invest in things that matter, and make a difference so that you are remembered as a World Changer!
1. Never Let Someone Stop You From Being the Best Version of Yourself You Can Be
I left this one for last, because it is often the hardest for us to overcome. The opinions of others, and those around us influence us more than any of us want to believe or admit, but it is very true. If you truly want to be successful, you will leave the haters in your dust, and you will cling to those who believe in you and empower you to reach your God-given potential. Many people are scared to excel because being the best is often lonely and friends are few and far between, but don't let that stop you. The few friends that you will find on the road to success with be so much more precious than those who are you friend, only because you fit in with their mold.
Become deaf to those who speak down at you and you devalue you. Open your mind and heart to those who challenge you and speak life into you. Listen to those who see your vision and are willing to not only run with you to achieve that vision, but will continue to carry you towards that vision when your strength has given out. Those who see the awesome and amazing person you were created to be! Believe that God has a purpose for you, and believe in yourself, because you are worth so much more than what average people see... You have been called to be, not only successful, but EXTRAORDINARY!